Enrollment Process
Step 1: Inquire and Tour
Step 2: Apply Online
Step 3: Screen of Admission
Complete the admission screening at the date and time specified by the director of admissions. The admissions committee will review the results along with the required documentation provided within your application.
Step 4: Complete Enrollment
Complete the enrollment link from Lamar School and pay the enrollment fee of $311.
Admission to Lamar School may be delayed or denied due to grade level capacity, lack of receipt of required forms or documents, inadequate performance on the entrance screener, or nonpayment of application/enrollment fees. Class space will not be held or guaranteed for a student until all steps of the enrollment process are fully complete.
Pre-Kindergarten applicants must reach the age of four on or before September 1 for the school year they are applying for to be eligible. No entrance testing is required.
Kindergarten applicants must reach the age of five on or before September 1 for the school year they are applying for to be eligible. An entrance screening is required.
re-Enrollment for current families opens monday, february 5
Applications for 2024-25 school year are currently open