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Lamar School Annual Fund

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Lamar School thrives because of the dedicated support of our entire community –– parents, alumni, grandparents, trustees, faculty, and friends. The Lamar Annual Fund is essential.

By supporting the Annual Fund, you are investing in the future of our school and our students.

The Annual Fund sparks innovation across our curriculum, classrooms, and campus. It enables us to say 'yes' to advancing academics and improving facilities, going beyond what tuition alone can cover. It's the key to transforming good into great for every student's experience.

We encourage you to give generously, helping our students reach their fullest potential by giving at yours. Your support. Their future.

Mrs. Litchfield Annual Fund Video
Mrs. Ballou Annual Fund

Giving Levels

Friends Circle up to $499
Loyalty Circle $500 - $2,499
Leadership Circle $2,500 - $9,999
Legacy Circle $10,000 and up

Gifts will be acknowledged each June in our Annual Gratitude Report.