Lamar School's sports teams are established for the purpose of participation in and enjoyment of the competitive experience. Sports are an integral part of our school community and serve to provide its participants with developmental traits inherent in the athletic experience: the spirit of cooperation and camaraderie, the struggle to achieve, the attainment of common goals, and the total team aspect.
On behalf of Lamar School Athletics, thank you for your support. I want to thank all of our coaches and student athletes for their commitment to Lamar School Athletics.
Our quest for championships is unwavering. We are incredibly committed to bringing home championship hardware, and this can only be done through work, hard work. We want to give our coaches and student athletes the best possible tools and resources to be successful.
While championships are great, the development of the student-athlete is greater. Sports are the ultimate resource to teach teamwork, responding to adversity, discipline, etc.
Our administration and coaches are fully committed to ensure our student athletes can be successful on and off the playing field.
I look forward to seeing you all at the many athletic events on campus this year. Again, thank you for your support for Lamar School Athletics.
Go Raiders!
Matt Boone, Athletic Director